Classification Of Periodontal treatment

Two Classifications:

1. Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatments

When the periodontal disease is discovered early during its onset, non-surgical or conservative methods of care with the improved hygiene routines will restore your periodontal health. Whereas periodic, expert cleanings are enough to maintain your periodontal health in the patients that don’t have gum diseases, once gingivitis is there, the deeper cleanings and probably the other non-surgical care methods are recommended when treating the condition.

The Periodontology department emphasizes accomplishing periodontal health through the cost-effective treatment and the least invasive approaches to care. Deep cleanings that include root planning and scaling is a non-surgical procedure that is being considered as a primary line of defense towards the development of periodontal disease.

With root planning and scaling, any tartar and plaque that have accumulated under the gumline are gradually removed, and the root surface of a teeth are being smoothed. Since periodontal diseases are inflammatory responses to plaque, bacterial toxins and tartar, by simply mechanically eradicating the agents, the increase of gum disease will be stopped. Moreover, to remove tartar and plaque with a root planning and scaling procedure, antimicrobial medication situated under a systemic medications or gumline will be utilized as adjuncts to take care of further decrease of the bacterial population.

When the non-surgical approached to handling periodontal disease don’t achieve the preferred outcome, surgery can be suggested to stop the repair damage and the progression.

2. Periodontal Surgery

When the gum disease has advanced beyond its initial stage, the periodontal surgery is usually recommended for efficiently takeout tartar and bacteria from the teeth, decrease the gingival pocket depth, reinstate the lost tissue as much as possible, and stop the disease progression. It’s important to bear in mind that the gum disease is one progressive situation. When appropriate measures aren’t taken, the gum disease keeps on compromising the support of teeth and have cost to one’s total well-being.

As the untreated, gingivitis evolves to a more advanced stage of gum disease, the periodontal pocket deepens, the bacteria become harder to remove, also the gaps between its tooth's surface and the gums get bigger. When a pocket depth, boost to a point of beyond the catch of deep cleaning and some other conservative care methods, gum surgery to treat and clean the damage to the gums and the underlying bone is usually recommended.

The great news is, with the proper surgical treatment that is followed by a better oral hygiene, the chance of further damage to soft tissues and the bone supporting the teeth, tooth loss, and difficulties from the health issues that are connected to periodontal illness will be decreased.

The aim of pocket reduction surgeries is to accomplish below:

  1. Halt damage to its underlying bone, and then recontour the affected firm tissues when needed.
  2. Remove the sub-gingival bacteria underneath the gums, then from the surface of a root of the teeth.
  3. Decrease pocket depth to assist easier cleaning of your gums and teeth and the maintenance of the optimal periodontal health.

In numerous cases, the periodontal procedure, that is known as a flap surgery is often recommended. During the procedure, the gums within an affected area are being reflected away from its supporting bone and teeth. Now, the roots and the pocket of the teeth will be cleaned thoroughly and supporting tissue recontoured when needed. When the step is completed, this tissue flag takes sutured back in its place.

In addition to the conventional surgical approached to care now, dental lasers are used also to perform chosen periodontal procedures. If applicable, the laser technology will aid in treating periodontitis, decrease pocket depth, address the peri-implantitis, and then recontour or remove gingival tissues for that cosmetic purpose.

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