10 Mistakes People Make When Getting Their Teeth Cleaned

It is recommended you visit your dentist at least twice a year for routine teeth cleanings. But many people do not realize the important benefits of these visits. A teeth cleaning is more than just removing plaque and tartar from teeth.

Here are 10 mistakes people make when getting their teeth cleaned:

1. Not brushing with toothpaste when they brush their teeth

Some people brush their teeth without toothpaste, but they are doing it wrong. You should never brush without toothpaste. The lack of fluoride in your mouth could lead to cavities or even tooth decay. If you solely brush with water, there will be plaque and bacteria left over.

2. Not wearing night guards when they sleep

Dentists recommend wearing it at night because they can help protect your teeth from grinding against each other when you sleep. It's also important to remember that if you have a mouth guard, avoid eating or drinking anything hot right before bedtime because it could melt the plastic and make it ineffective.

3. Skipping fluoride treatments

In areas with fluoridated water, skipping just one fluoride treatment can cause a 10% increase in tooth decay. There is no need to stop getting your treatments altogether, but if you are skipping them, it is important to drink plenty of water instead to avoid cavities.

4. Wrongly brushing with toothpaste

Toothpaste is meant to be used on the toothbrush, not taken by hand and put in your mouth. Toothpaste is a specific compound that is meant to soften the bristles of the brush and remove bacteria from the teeth to kill the bad bacteria.

5. Leaving the toothbrush bristles in the mouth while they brush their teeth

If you want to use a toothbrush with nylon bristles, be sure to use it only for brushing your gums, not your teeth. This will help avoid any irritating problems.

6. Using mouthwash without rinsing their mouth

In general, it is recommended to rinse your mouth after using a mouthwash to avoid bad breath, but it's especially important to do so if you use oil based mouthwashes like Listerine. If you don't rinse, you'll leave the oil in your mouth and that can lead to a bad taste.

7. Not flossing

If you’re not flossing every day, you’re missing out on removing plaque bacteria from some of the hard-to-reach areas in your mouth. Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, it’s still important to floss at least once a day to remove any plaque that could

8. Skipping teeth cleaning appointments

People have always been averse to visiting the dentist, but dental hygiene is a lot more important than most people realize. When you don't clean your teeth, it causes a host of health problems.

9. Not using dental floss correctly

Some of the most common errors in using dental floss are:

- Not brushing the teeth before using dental floss

- Placing too much pressure when using the dental floss

- Using a type of floss that's too thick or too thin

10. Not using a tongue scraper to remove bacteria on the tongue

When people do not use tongue scrapers, bacteria are left on the tongue for a long time, it will produce sulfur compounds that can cause bad breath, a throat infection, or tooth decay.

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