Dental Braces - How Long Do They Take to Work?
Braces have gotten much better in recent years and no longer have the stigma they used to have in the past. With the variety of braces that are available, such as Invisalign and traditional metal braces, there are options to find one that fits your specific needs to ensure your teeth stay healthy and straight over time. Most people wonder how long do dental braces take to work? While it varies from person to person, here’s what you can expect from your new braces based on their type... Length of Treatment Time Dental braces can last between 4-6 years – though we should stress that there is a tremendous amount of variation from patient to patient (and from case to case). The key determinant as to how long your braces will last isn’t really any different than most other medical procedures – it comes down to how much you take care of them! Good oral hygiene practices like regular brushing, flossing, etc. are absolutely essential to keep these devices in tip-top shape and working well...